Lake of the Ozarks Average Water Temperature by Month

Here is some Lake of the Ozarks water temperature data by month. You can find charts, facts, and other water temperature information here for Lake of the Ozarks.

Curious what the Lake of the Ozarks water temperature is right now? You can find that here. It also has historic 7 Day & 30 Day water temperature graphs available.

We have been monitoring the water temperature of Lake of the Ozarks since 2016. Using that information, we’ve been able to produce this post which includes the coldest water temperature of Lake of the Ozarks, the warmest temperature, and the average LOTO water temperature by month.

This data is exclusive to Angler Spy™ – we know of no other source of such extensive water temperature monitoring for Lake of the Ozarks. Our equipment measures & records water temps each hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. There are minor gaps in the data due to loss of connection, winter issues, even boat props destroying our sensors! However, the data is generally complete, and we hope you find it useful!

Do you have a use for this data? Let us know.

How cold does the water temperature of Lake of the Ozarks get?

According to our records, the coldest water temperature for Lake of the Ozarks we have on record is 34.5° F, measured on March 6th, 2019.

How warm does the water temperature of Lake of the Ozarks get?

Again, according to our data, the warmest water temperature for Lake of the Ozarks is 90.3° F. This was recorded on July 11th, 2018.

It should be noted: our unit is located in the shade of a dock, in roughly 12ft of water.

Does Lake of the Ozarks freeze?

The short answer is NO. It does not freeze over like lakes to the north. The backs of coves, in shallow water, will freeze. However, the entire lake does not come close to freezing over solid.

Average Lake of the Ozarks Water Temperature by Month

Here are the average water temperatures by month for Lake of the Ozarks, from data generated between 2016 and 2020.

  • Month | Average Water Temp in ° F
  • January | 40.44°
  • February | 35.95°
  • March | 40.10°
  • April | 54.29°
  • May | 66.25°
  • June | 76.06°
  • July | 82.52°
  • August | 81.89°
  • September | 80.72°
  • October | 70.35°
  • November | 55.89°
  • December | 46.07°

Lastly, here’s a simple chart that shows Lake of the Ozarks average water temperatures by month: